
noun; (a-pris’-i-tee); the warmth and light of sun in winter

We create and manage innovative programs, trainings, and courses for governments, corporations, ngos, international organizations, universities, and nonprofits. You bring us a challenge, a need, an idea, potential, or a plan, and we build, teach, create, organize, and manage the solution. We bring light to you. We are Apricity. We are world changing solutions.

Communications, Advocacy, Law, and Government Relations Trainings and Courses for U.S. and non-U.S. companies, universities, attorneys, activists, nonprofits, political parties, interest groups, and others.

Rule of Law Building: Trainings, programming, and consulting for the judiciary, law school, and attorneys by lawyers, judges, and law professors.

Democracy and Governance: National and local government, media, nonprofit, and interest group capacity building, political campaign consulting, gender rights, and education institution building.

Custom Program Creation and Management: Fellowships, task forces, honors programs, speakers’ series, discussion groups, and more.